Regular veterinary care becomes even more important as our pets enter their golden years. Our veterinarians at Creston Veterinary Hospital are here to provide care for your senior pets, aiming to ensure they stay comfortable and healthy.

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Improve Your Senior Pet's Quality of Life

Has your dog or cat begun 'getting up there' in years? Are they starting to slow down compared to when they were young?

As our pets age, they become more susceptible to various health issues like arthritis, dental problems and organ dysfunction. Regular veterinary check-ups can help detect these issues early on and provide timely treatment, preventing further complications.

By investing in veterinary care for your senior pet, you can ensure they receive the necessary preventive medications and treatments to improve their quality of life. This can include specialized diets to manage weight and promote joint health, pain management strategies for arthritis and dental cleanings to prevent gum disease.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule regular check-ups to monitor your senior pet's overall health and address any potential issues.

Geriatric Care for Pets, Creston

Health Problems in Senior Pets

Our cherished pets are enjoying increased longevity and living much longer than in the past due to improvements in nutrition and advances in veterinary science.

But this also means pet owners and veterinarians are now faced with the challenge of managing more age-related conditions.

Some of the age-related health problems we commonly see in elderly pets include:

Routine Exams & Your Senior Dog or Cat

Regular examinations for senior dogs and cats provide our veterinarians with the opportunity to detect developing issues early. When a health condition is detected in its earlier, more manageable stages, treatment can begin sooner. When conditions such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease are treated early, the progression of the disease can often be slowed or stopped.

Our veterinarians will thoroughly examine your senior dog or cat and ask about their diet and lifestyle. Testing may be recommended to gain additional insight into your pet's overall health.

Next, your veterinarian will recommend a treatment plan to address any existing health problems and help prevent potential age-related issues.

Recommendations may include changes to your dog or cat’s diet or exercise routine, as well as medications to help your senior pet stay happy and comfortable.

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